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时间:2024-03-12 10:07:13 点击:96 次







Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,Good evening. As the CEO of LANG JIU, it is my honor today to join HUAWEI, FEIHE, HENGYUANXIANG and many other great Chinese brands here, at Penang, in attending this inspiring award ceremony, witnessing the power of brands.


LANG JIU is a Chinese liquor brand. The character「郎」in Chinese culture carries a very positive connotation. 「郎」is equivalent to「man」, a 「good man」. A mother or a wife will call her son or husband 「LANG」 as a term of endearment. When ordinary men rise through the ranks to become officers or governors, we will call them 「LANG」 as a term of respect. The character 「LANG」has countless good meanings that it is our company’s responsibility and mission to make our brand 「LANG」 an embodiment of these good meanings. We will work hard to build up our 「LANG」, so it will be ready to face the challenges of the future, in a global market.


Baijiu is a very traditional industry. Our company, LANG, has always been upholding traditions while innovating. We inherited traditional craftsmanship, the spirits of artisans, and the value of time. At the same time, we continuously innovate. We take on a global perspective and guide our works with a forward-looking approach. We aim to modernize traditional Chinese Baijiu, making it more fashionable and ultimately taking it to the world.


Langjiu Estate is the greatest innovation of our people. Langjiu has established the world's first baijiu estate, and it is also the only 「grand and beautiful」liquor estate in the world. Langjiu estate covers an area of 10 square kilometers. It is filled with art of liquor, art of architecture, art of literature, art of ceramic, etc., all interwoven with the brand story of LANG. Langjiu Estate is without a doubt the manifestation of our innovation.


Tonight, the flagship product we all will be tasting is LANG JIU’s Qing Hua Lang. It is made with a base liquor aged for 7 years and blended with 20-year aged liquor. The value of time is contained in every glass we taste. People often think of Chinese Baijiu as having a particularly fragrant aroma up front, with the aroma very prominent in the beginning. Our Qing Hua Lang, on the other hand, stands out with flavor hitting towards mid-late stage, leaving a lingering mellow yet fragrant aftertaste. You can taste the richness and complexity of the liquor, with its smooth long finish. This is the unique flavor of LANG.



今天授奖(注:指45届全国告白大会中国品牌盛典)的主题是「中国品牌 传递正能量 让全国更好意思好」。在槟城,咱们看到中国和马来西亚越来越时时的经济文化换取行动。在这些换取行动中,白酒等于赓续物。不管是精采的商务换取,依然民间的文化换取,咱们皆需要通过白酒送去一份礼节,一份尊重,一份祝颂。陪同一带一齐的程度,中国和全亚洲,全全国皆会有更多的换取,更深的赓续。咱们但愿郎酒粗略陪同更多的跨区域,跨国度,跨民族间的换取,为他们送去祝颂。咱们但愿郎酒粗略融入全全国更多花消者的好意思好生存。咱们但愿郎酒,行为白酒品类的一员,粗略加入威士忌、白兰地的宽阔品牌,一谈面向改日,走向全国。

The theme of today's awards ceremony is 「Chinese Brands Transmit Positive Energy to Make the World a Better Place. 」 In Penang, increasingly frequent economic and cultural exchanges are taking place between China and Malaysia. Baijiu serves as a connector in these exchanges. Whether it is formal business exchanges or informal cultural exchanges, we need baijiu to convey etiquette, respect, and blessings. With the progress of the Belt and Road Initiative, countries all over the world will experience more exchanges and deeper connections with each other. We hope that LANG JIU can be part of this cross-regional, cross-national, and cross-ethnic exchanges and enjoyed by consumers worldwide. We hope that LANG JIU, a brand of the baijiu category, can join the ranks of whisky and brandy brands in embarking on a global journey.


I believe these are the bits of positive energy that LANG, as a Chinese brand, transmits to make the world a better place.


Thank you.神秘顾客新闻

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